Sunday, January 23, 2011

Guest: Blogger Nicky

*Disclaimer: All words are coming from Nicky, I’m just acting as if I were his secretary by spelling things correctly. It’s very important to me that you get the words straight from him. He’s the future of autism, he is the proof that it can be a blessing and not just a curse. I hope you enjoy.

Hi everybody, I’m Nicky, but you know that because Mom writes about me. I start by saying thank you to those people who say nice things about me on my mom’s blog. Thank you. You make me feel very happy. Mom also saved the tweets. I’ll answer them in bold.
Jen Shrek
Casdok Jen Shrek
@TracyDarlin – Just stopped by to say hi Nicky – lovely to meet you 8)
It’s nice to meet you, too!

TheMomAdventure SM
@Tracy4Autism I can’t wait to read your post nicky!
Thanks! Mom says you are a fun friend to have. I want to be friends with you and your kids.
Rob Paulsen
yakkopinky Rob Paulsen
What a coincidence: he’s my new pal too! RT @Tracy4Autism: @yakkopinky Nicky wanted me to tell you that you’re his new pal if that’s okay.
I’ll be the best pal you ever had. Thank you for being a nice person and not acting like I’m a dummy,

yakkofan725 Colton Graf
@Tracy4Autism their ideal target, and they’ll move on.
Colton Graf
yakkofan725 Colton Graf
@Tracy4Autism them what they’re looking for, they’ll keep returning for more. Deprive them of their need, they’ll realize that you’re not»
Colton Graf
yakkofan725 Colton Graf
@Tracy4Autism on you as they do it, okay maybe you shouldn’t ignore that. But the point is, bullies are just looking for attention. Give
@Tracy4Autism bullies, ignore them. If they call you names, ignore them. If they push you down on to the ground, walk on your back, and spit
yakkofan725 Colton Graf
@Tracy4Autism to solve XD. They think that just because we’re different means they can’t treat us like anybody else. When dealing with
yakkofan725 Colton Graf
@Tracy4Autism understand us. They just see us and want to cause us severe emotional damage that will take us years with a psychiatrist
yakkofan725 Colton Graf
@Tracy4Autism something I’ve learned. People who tease people like you or I, are complete and total idiots. They don’t know us. They don’t
yakkofan725 Colton Graf
@Tracy4Autism and Poland syndrome. At school, I am bullied/teased a lot too, mainly because of my disabilities. I just wanted to tell you
yakkofan725 Colton Graf
@Tracy4Autism a message to a autistic teenager. But, thankfully, I’m not. I am roughly around the same age as you and I have both Moebius
yakkofan725 Colton Graf
@Tracy4Autism *Directed towards Nicky* Greetings Nicky. Okay, so maybe I’m not a celebrity, and right now I just sound like a creep Tweeting
You’re all celebrities in my book! You’re all special ’cause you care. If I ever become a celebrity from being a pathologist or cartoons, I will buy you all very special presents!!

gaangster Avatar_Mom
@Tracy4Autism advocating for my satellites has made me many enemies, and it took years. my best wishes for nicky :)
I like your name. My Mom loves Avatar a lot, too. She watches lots of cartoons with me and I like that. We have fun and we do imitations of them. She does a really good Ty Lee and Azula! I’m sad you have enemies, but my mom will be your friend.:)
Rob Paulsen
yakkopinky Rob Paulsen
He cheered me up too. RT @Tracy4Autism: @yakkopinky Nicky says “Hi” to his new favorite tweet buddy, (You really cheered him up yesterday!)
I cheered YOU up?! Wow. I’m happy I could. We were meant to be buddies then. Sometimes, I’d like to play my Nintendo DS with you!
gaangster Avatar_Mom

@Tracy4Autism i just noticed your shout out request, “HEY NICKY!!!”
I l loved the puppets. I love youtube, I also like that ticking one, too. Thank you for making me laugh!.

Jenny Rodriguez
_GirlGerms Jenny Rodriguez

Hi Nicky!! Awe.. shucks, he’s a sweetheart. <3 No wonder girls love him! :) @Tracy4Autism
Thanks, you’re pretty. (Mom note: He’s blushing)

Rob Paulsen
yakkopinky Rob Paulsen
Hey Nicky! Keep smilin’, bud! RT @Tracy4Autism: @yakkopinky I hate to be a pest, but could you give another friendly tweet to my son Nicky?
I think you are my favorite cartoon voice now because you are so nice to me. You’re cool cause you are nice to me and don’t think I am dumb because I have autism. I wish more grown ups were like you.
Dave Coulier
DaveCoulier Dave Coulier
RT @Tracy4Autism My son loved you as Joey, he has #autism and is going thru a tough time, if said Hi to Nicky… DAVE: Of course. Hi Nicky!
Thank you! I love your imitations of Popeye and Bullwinkle!
mommyof2changas Nidia
@Tracy4Autism #SHOUTOUT to Nicky!! Stay strong my friend! You are loved!!! #shoutout
I love you, too. I’m glad Mom had friends who understand that having autistic kids aren’t bad. We have feelings too, and Mom does. I’m glad Mom has some friends, too. And you are my friends, too!
Allan Scott-Douglas
Actor_Allan Allan Scott-Douglas
@Tracy4Autism I know that feeling – I was bullied as a kid too! Nicky, stay strong & always keep smiling! Sending love from Scotland! :-D
You look too nice to be bullied. I want to go to Scotland someday with my mom. If we do maybe we can visit you and we can play a game together!
sabwg Sab
@Tracy4Autism hi nicky :)
Hi back!
Muldwych Muldwych
@Tracy4Autism Hello Nicky :-)
Hello. How are you? :)
Wendy Hirst
savvymum4autism Wendy Hirst
@TracyDarlin yes course I can what on the post xx
I know a lot about you, Mom told me about your Gnome. They call us kids with special needs, but the parents are special too. Mom told me lots of you are very special on Twitter and Care 2.
Karen V.
theekarenesq Karen V.
@TracyDarlin Hi Nicky!! I would LOVE to see your drawings. They sound awesome!! Don’t stop believing in yourself – You Can do ANYTHING!!
Thank you. Mom says that a lot. She put some of my pictures on photobucket, you’re a very nice lady.
TheMomAdventure SM
@TracyDarlin well he IS special. :)
Thank you. So are you.
Lisa Gallegos
lovelylicious Lisa Gallegos
@TracyDarlin hi Nicky!!!
Hi, thank you for that video you dedicated to me. :) Peace.
Stuart Duncan
autismfather Stuart Duncan
@TracyDarlin Hi Nicky! You are a great kid, never let anyone make you doubt that. For the record, I LOVE DragonBall Z too! Goku 4 life!
I especially love Piccolo and all the others.
TheMomAdventure SM
@TracyDarlin is Nicky there with you? because if he is “OH HI!!!!!!” :D
TannersDad TannersDad
@TracyDarlin Shout out to Nicky The Sun will come out tomorrow and Miracles are hiding in your day. Just look 4them and count your blessings
I have over 1000 blessings.

Patricia Webb
PattyO57 Patricia Webb
@TracyDarlin Hi Nicky. :)
Hello, how are you?
Lana Schuhmacher
lanaschuhmacher Lana Schuhmacher
@TracyDarlin heya Nicky, smile my whole family is wishing you a happy day.
Okay thanks, you have a happy day, too.
Michael Chiklis
MichaelChiklis Michael Chiklis
@TracyDarlin hello Nick! Thanks for watching!!!
You’re welcome!
Rob Paulsen
yakkopinky Rob Paulsen
Absolutely my pleasure. Sleep tight, Nicky. :-) RT @TracyDarlin: @yakkopinky Thank you made his night. :)
Don’t let the bed bugs bite!
Rob Paulsen
yakkopinky Rob Paulsen
Never worked on the original. Hi Nicky!RT @TracyDarlin: @yakkopinky Did you do any guest roles in the original ATLA and could say “hi Nicky”
Hi new frirend!

Dante Basco
dantebasco Dante Basco
@TracyDarlin “Hello Nicky”!!! I wish you well…
Thank you very much, you should wish my mom well too because she does this all for me.
Dee Bradley Baker
deebradleybaker Dee Bradley Baker
Wow! Thankee! RT @TracyDarlin: @deebradleybaker You are probably one of the biggest voice talents in the world, my son adores you! #autism
You’re welcome.
Now, I will tell you about me.
*~*~*My Favorite Topic: Imaginary Friends*~*~*
In 2002, I made up an imaginary friend named Spockey. She was a back breaker, a heart fixer, and a nail polisher back then.But later, I signed an imaginary re-nup because she always expected me to do all the work, she was kind of lazy, too. But now, I have over 514 imaginary friends and accomplices that make my life a whole lot better. And now I have a new wife. Her name is Betty, you know, after Atomic Betty? And I have LOTS of imaginary kids.

I see that this is getting long, mom has said I will get to do a series, I hope you enjoy getting to know me.
Love Nicky

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