I am turning on the way back machine because there are so many misconceptions about autism. There are so many things that “experts” say, and hopes either get built or killed. Those “experts” don’t know Nicky. They don’t know what he’s overcome. That young man has beat a lot of odds and I am his biggest cheerleader.
They said Nicky would never talk…
And believe me, I thank God that the child never shuts up. I rejoice that he chatters on and on.
I’m mad right now, So mad I could spit. I started this blog on a happy note, but now I’m angry.
Nicky has been faking illness for a few days, I forced him to go to school today. I get phone calls through out the day, he claims he has explosive diarrhea. I tell the nurse to keep him there and check. Nothing.
He comes home… He screeches in my face for not believing him. I stay calm on the outside, I know he’s hurting, I know he’s lying to me, he’s not sick. He tries to look imposing and then… He cracks and breaks down. Bullies. Nasty, slimy, little bullies. Snide remarks were made. And some shoving was involved… Nicky does nothing because they were girls. I tell him I love him more than the world, I hold him as he sobs brokenly, telling me how much it hurts. It kills me. He calms down goes with his (she’s like a PCA) for a bit while I fuss and stew.
I’m calm now, I’ve been away from the computer, Nicky has come home, he’s in bed.
I took names, events, and where, I’m calling Nicky’s case manager tomorrow. I’ve had it. There were some boys involved, too. I’m the b-word that took names, by golly. Enough is enough! His relief was so immense and then, he admitted to shaving his brows off because he wanted to look like Piccolo from Dragon-Ball Z Kai. I told him he could just pretend. He got excited, then I told him I would even put green on his face… Joy! Then…. I told him I would PLAY with him, you know, act out the characters. The rapture on his face, my heart melted. It’s like I waved a magic wand and fixed his world. And we’re getting Mom involved, too.
So on Friday, when he comes home from school. I will likely have to rasp like the Grand Elder, and sneer like Vegeta. Also, he wants to pretend to be Zuko and have a scar made on his face. And will I be sweet Katara? Not likely, because I can sneer and sound crazy like Azula, and you can bet Nicky will have me be Azula. I’m good at doing “Voices” I did them for my younger brother when we were little. Do I look forward to playing like a little kid with my son? I’ll treasure every moment and hope I don’t sprain or break anything trying to act something out. Ha! Ha! Ha!
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