Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Let Him Be

Why don’t people ever let up? Nicky had to call me from school what was it, Monday? Or Friday? Those freaky little S.O.B.s were demanding to know what meds he was on. They told him he didn’t have ADHD because he wasn’t hyper. If he weren’t on his meds, the poor kid would never sleep. I told Nicky to tell them that it was none of their business.

One evening, I was watching one of those caught on camera programs. This enraged father boarded a bus and was bellowing at some of those scumbag kids because they were hurting his daughter who had mild Cerebral Palsy, even throwing condoms at the poor girl. But the father was considered the jerk! I’m sorry, I can’t blame the guy. It takes everything I have in me not to go after the beasts that hurt Nicky. There are times I want to teach him how to throw a punch. But he’d be the one who would get the blame because that’s the way it always works.

But regardless of what those creeps say, someday, it’s my son who will be on top. Nicky will rip ‘em a new one by being a good person, by living his dreams.

Those nozzles can say what they will, but I’m a heck of a lot stronger than any of them put together, and you had better believe I will not let my son down because one must never cross a mother who loves her child dearly. We are an unbeatable force when need be. And once Nicky heals from his surgery, he wants to join Special Olympics Karate and Soccer, if I can afford it, I’m going to let him, enforcing the fact that martial arts is for defense only. Even just having the knowledge is power. And if he kicks B.T.’s butt. I’ll buy him a Nintendo DS game because that bugger has it coming. I know, bad Mom. Just fed up.


  1. Nice new blog :) Tristan and I both took Tae Kwan Do and are green belts. They teach you as part of the discipline not to be aggressive and to use your skills to protect not attack. It's so great for confidence exercise :) BTW I followed you :)

    Please check out my blog at

  2. Wow, Tracy, so sorry you are going through this with Nicky. One thing is that with the teen years - there is so much good exciting stuff going on. You are lucky to communicate with Nicky and have him able to tell you what is happening. Someday, I hope my son will be able and willing to tell me what happens with him. He is so young now, what he does at his school has to be told to me by others.

    Your love continues to shine through for Nicky. He has a very strong and protective mom who loves him very much!
