Thursday, March 31, 2011

We've Got Style!

Jen, sweet kind Jen who is a fellow blogger

presented me with this really cool award!


But as life would have it, I have to reveal 7 things about myself and tag 10 people, like her, I plan on tagging only 5 because I'm too danged lazy. LOL So here goes.

1. I'm super sentimental, I cry over tv shows and movies.

2. I play dumb because people expect less of me.

3. I'm more comfortable being myself with those online than the people I deal with day to day. The people I deal with on a daily basis would call me a b*tch and have.

4. I love anything that sparkles.

5. My favorite bird is the robin.

6. I hate politics.

7. If I call you friend, I mean it.

Now, time to gift a few other people. :)

It's A Crazy World

Big Daddy Autism

Autism Army Mom

The Animated Woman

The Mom Adventures

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